Thursday, June 30, 2016

Recovery day 6

       The last couple days have been pretty rough for Grace and Jordan. They (especially Grace) have had a fair amount of pain. But after the more difficult days today brought some progress, this morning Jordan was discharged and he is very glad to be out of the hospital. He has to stay in the city for the next while for follow-up appointments but he is doing very well and improving daily. This afternoon Grace was moved from the step down unit to a different ward. She goes on short walks every day despite the pain she experiences and she has a very good attitude about this difficult recovery period, which plays a huge role in her speed of improvement.
The surgeon that operated on Grace came to Jordan and thanked him for what he had done for his mom. During the surgery they saw how damaged Graces old liver was, so it was a very good thing that they operated when they did because the disease was progressing quickly. With continued rest and care the recovery process should keep going smoothly.

The Wiebe's

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