Saturday, June 25, 2016

Road to Recovery day 1

  It is the first day after surgery, Grace and Jordan are both doing well. Jordan went for a walk this morning and the nurses are very impressed with his speed of improvement. He is very tired but doing well, asking about Grace often and ready to come home.
Grace is now more awake and responsive in ICU, she is very tired but talking with us in short increments and asking questions. Her humour has returned which is wonderful to see, she is joking with us and the staff despite her pain and discomfort; example: She has very many tubes and machines attached to her, and as she is not allowed to eat or drink at the moment even though she wants to, she suggested putting some sauce on all her spaghetti(tubes) and eating that. She asks often about Jordan and wants to see him. Her road to recovery will be long but her attitude is already great about it. The staff here is wonderful and we are so thankful for all of their care.

The Wiebe's

1 comment:

  1. Oh this is so good to hear! Thinking of you all and praying for speedy/safe recoveries!
