Sunday, June 26, 2016

Road to Recovery day 2

             Before the surgery even took place, Jordan was warned that the first few days of recovery would be the worst and that definitely showed today. He has pain and overall discomfort, but that is to be expected after such a major surgery. It will just be taken one day at a time.
Despite Jordan not feeling well, he was able to come up and visit Grace. She had been asking for quite a while now to see him and they finally allowed it today, so with some very helpful staff we took Jordan up in a wheel chair to visit Grace for a few minutes. She was very glad to see him and they were able to see how they are both in the same boat in terms of a difficult recovery.
            Grace is doing very well, she has lots of pain and discomfort but her nurses are very impressed with her rapid improvement which is very encouraging to hear. She does not feel the improvements they talk about but to look at her and talk to her compared to the last few days she is definitely coming along. Tomorrow they are planning to move her from ICU to step down as soon as a room opens up.
Everything appears to be progressing as it should be for both Jordan and Grace.

The Wiebe's

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