Sunday, July 3, 2016

A Slow Recovery Continues

   It's been a rough couple of days for Grace as the recovery continues. Constant pain makes it very difficult for her to eat anything as well as move around which is crucial in the recovery process. The new liver is working well but is still having trouble with some crucial functions. They say this is normal after such a big transplant and are working on balancing out the medications and getting everything straightened out. Right now the biggest things are for her to start eating and feel well enough to go for regular assisted walks. It's a slow process taken day by day with very slow yet visible signs of improvement. Still no date given for her release but it should be in the near future. It's very up and down right now but once everything levels off it should be smooth sailing ahead.
Jordan is doing very well in his recovery, still taking things slow but visiting Grace daily and improving every day.
Thank you all for your prayers and concern, they are very much appreciated.
The Wiebe's

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