Friday, July 22, 2016

4 weeks post surgery

        Today it has been exactly 4 weeks since Jordan donated part of his liver to Grace. Jordan is continuing to recover quickly and well, there were some issues with his surgical incision but they have been taken care of and are healing nicely. Grace is continuing to recover in the apartment in downtown Toronto, she has good days and she has bad days. She is slowly trying to regain some strength but her appetite has still not fully returned. There is still a large amount of fluid build up in her legs which makes walking difficult and painful. Grace goes to the hospital several times a week for blood work and appointments, thus far her doctors are very happy with her blood work results. We continue to hope for continued recovery and increased strength for Grace.


The Wiebe's


  1. I've tried to post a comment but it does not show up. Hi Grace. Hope you are improving every day. Love you and your family.
    James family

  2. Thanks for sharing your perspective. Very well written and informative.
