Friday, August 5, 2016


         Grace was discharged from the hospital yesterday evening. There has been a change in her medications which will solve some of the problems but not all of them; she is still experiencing nausea with any movement and still having pain. At this point most of her discomfort will not be relieved until she is able to have her hernia repair surgery. Jordans liver is working as it should in Graces body. Jordans recovery is going excellent and he will returning to work shortly.

The Wiebe's

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

A small hiccup

       Grace was admitted back in to the Toronto general hospital at 2:30 last night. She was having severe abdominal pain with lots of nausea and unable to keep anything down, so she could not eat or swallow her pills. They did blood work and a ct scan and those came back all clear. She is now on fluids and working towards eating again. Her pain is more under control and she will be resting in the hospital for the next couple of days.
If there are any questions feel free to message Karlee

The Wiebe's